Software solutions for complex high-net-worth challenges

Introducing Eleven Financial, Property, Family, Life, and Messages

As your success grows, so does your net worth, and with it an unwelcome increase in life’s complexities. More properties to manage. More assets to track. More investments to monitor. More travel to coordinate…

Even with a strong team in place to help organize and manage these complexities, there are still too many chaotic moments.

That’s why we created the Eleven Family Office platform—a solution to bring order, insight, and ease to the complex lives of high-net-worth individuals and families.

Eleven Family Office

The Platform

The Eleven Family Office platform is a suite of applications designed for UHNW principals and their family offices to effortlessly organize and manage life’s complexities, delivering peace of mind.

The Eleven Family Office suite includes:

This platform’s strength is centered on the ability to encrypt and organize all sensitive and critical information about your properties, finances, life, and family, providing real-time access and elegant visualization—all in your pocket.

Eleven Family Office operates on the devices you already have: iOS, Android, and Web and is optimized for mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers. The platform seamlessly integrates easily with all your existing financial and other systems and processes—no need for a rip and replace, just an easy add-on to eliminate chaotic moments and deliver you Peace of Mind.

Delivering All You Need to Assure Success

Fast Time to Value

Fast Time to Value

No one wants to rip and replace existing systems, or generate more work and a difficult new process. That’s why Eleven Family Office adds and easily integrates with existing systems, and comes with jump-start onboarding services and success assurance planning and tracking.

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No more fumbling around for what you need, now. Centralized and secure location to store all your important passwords, access keys, application and asset related files and folders. Offering seamless integration with existing third-party file systems.

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Security and Privacy

Eleven Family Office is developed with security and privacy as a foundational and primary concern. We employ state-of-the-art best practices for architecture, development, and data storage. Then, we test and verify with expert third party resources and certifications.

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Events, Podcasts, and Insights

The Top Five Challenges Facing Family Offices and Why Addressing Them is Urgent

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Family offices oversee a wide range of responsibilities for high-net-worth families, including wealth and asset management, estate planning, investment strategies, philanthropy, and legal matters. Despite these complex and ever-changing demands,…

The Importance of “Service” in
Family Office SaaS Solutions

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Family offices are tasked with managing complex financial portfolios, properties, and personal details with a level of efficiency that allows them to report to the principal and family quickly and…

The Risks of Managing a Family Office with Spreadsheets and Why It’s Time to Switch

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Family offices are responsible for overseeing the financial, legal, and operational aspects of high-net-worth families, which includes managing complex portfolios of assets, investments, properties, and family records. These tasks are…

From Complexity to
Peace of Mind

Learn how simple onboarding can be.